Daily Archives: August 16, 2022

How to Do a Radaris Opt Out

a pile of torn paper with a sign that says personal information.

Learn how to navigate the Radaris opt out process with our complete step-by-step guide below. 

Radaris, perhaps one of the nation’s largest data providers, is just one of many people-search engines online that are used for finding out information about people, properties, property records, businesses and business owners, and their professional histories. These search engines have the capability to control information stored in their database and make it accessible to the general public, and it is all perfectly legal.

How Long Has Radaris Been Around?

For more than ten years, Radaris has provided its service, according to the company, to aid in the needs of public records researchers, as it has access to commercial and government databases. Much like any other public records search engine, or information broker, Radaris.com provides free profiles of every known person in the U.S., combining hundreds of millions of public records with social media accounts and other online sources.

Why People Use Radaris

Some common reasons many people use Radaris Opt Out and these types of services are to find long-lost friends or family members they are no longer in contact with.

A prospective employer may use the service to check factual references or to examine comprehensive profiles sourcing data when searching for viable job candidates, although the practice of using people search engines for this purpose is frowned upon and may actually be illegal.

Public records in government databases may also be used by private investigators, attorneys, law enforcement officials, and other government agencies. As more public records are posted online, almost anyone can easily compile detailed profiles on individuals.

Radaris Is Used to Find Personal Info

Due to the popularity of a recent streaming show called, “The Tinder Swindler,” which highlighted the escapades of a man who, in order to lure women, fabricated stories of his wealth, which put women everywhere on alert. In the story, the man used Tinder to bilk women out of money, often ranging in the tens of thousands of dollars or more.

The show helped to highlight the nefarious motives of certain people online. Radaris and other people finder companies can be used to find out more about people that show an interest in an individual, and whether what they are claiming is factual.

Radaris allows them to delve into personal information, basically performing background checks, and enables access to financial information, marital status, and even address history to see if the person’s stories and conversations check out.

How Radaris Works

What data broker Radaris is doing is all legitimate. The process requires only a first and last name, which is the same basic requirement on other sites that provide these same services. Providing the city and state will help to narrow search results.

With its immense amount of data collection, the Radaris site is capable of providing last known addresses and phone numbers (including a cell phone number), along with other generally private information such as:

  • Name in full
  • Phone numbers, age, and current mailing address
  • Resumes and work experience
  • Marriages and divorces
  • Death certificates and other public records
  • Names of relatives
  • Accounts on social media
  • Offenders who have committed sexual offenses
  • Criminal records and mugshots
  • Photographs and videos

How Does Radaris Obtain the Information & Make Money?

Major data brokers, including Radaris.com, obtain your data by purchasing it from other companies. They also have access to certain government records, since they are a matter of public record. This is permitted under federal open records laws and enables citizens to monitor their government documents and to ensure accountability in a democratic society.

Radaris and other data brokers profit by collecting, aggregating, and reselling information to other firms.

Is Radaris Free?

Radaris claims that they provide free public profiles, and independent professional reviews, along with premium background checks, contact reports, and other information tools. For a Radaris account, to perform a simple background check, Radaris requires the user wishing to access the report, and provides a 3-day trial free membership, for $9.95, but if you prefer to bypass membership and pay for just the report, it is $39.95. For a background check, Radaris offers a variety of options depending on what you want to accomplish with the report.

Do A Self-Search to See What Comes Up About You

If you were to enter your own name into the Radaris people search site, or other similar sites, you might find that a lot of your personal and/or private information exists in their massive database. Your personal information, like that of millions of other people who utilize the Internet, either for business, or participate on social media sites, has become a matter of public record.

Concerned About Your Privacy?

Sites that manage info, like Radaris, along with other data brokers, may pose a serious threat to anyone concerned about online privacy and their online reputation. If, for example, a data broker suffers a breach, your personal and private information might be used in criminal activities by bad actors who often invade data broker sites looking for personal information to exploit.

In addition, you certainly may not want your personal information so easily accessible to people who may have unsavory intentions, including spammers, scammers, identity thieves, and even stalkers.

Take Steps to Opt Out of Radaris

To opt out of Radaris, check out the Radaris opt-out guide to automatically remove yourself from their database using their online opt-out form. You have the ability to remove collected information from its pages by following their opt-out process. You can either a) hide specific records or b) remove an entire profile page from view.

To start the opt-out process from Radaris, please follow these simple instructions:

  • Scroll to the bottom of any page on their site and click, “Control Your Info”
  • Read the instructions and enter your first and last name, then click “Search”
  • Find the correct listing and click the blue “Control Info” button
  • Create an account login (this allows Radaris to verify that you are only removing information about yourself)
  • Review and confirm your real name
  • Receive a verification code to your mobile phone
  • View the profile to verify you are removing the right information.
  • Click the down-arrow to the right of the name and select “Control Info”
  • Click “Manage Info”
  • Choose to “Make the profile private” or “Delete specific records”

If you choose to make the entire profile private, the process is now complete.

If you choose to delete specific records in the profile, check the boxes for each record shown. Then click “Remove selected records” to remove information you don’t want accessed.

Your removal request is instantly accepted, but it may take up to 24 hours for the records to be removed from the Radaris database. If you still see the records after 24 hours, press Ctrl+F5 to completely refresh your browser’s page view and you should be able to determine that you successfully had your records removed.

By law, once you initiate the opt-out process, Radaris must honor removal requests. Your removal request should be honored in a timely manner and you should check to ensure the Radaris removal has been completed. Some other sites may require you to submit a removal request letter to request that they remove information from their site. In either case, your online reputation may depend on it.

To learn more about online privacy and how to protect your personal information from leaks on the web, contact EraseComplaints today at 888-600-7409 .